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A member registered Jan 07, 2017

Recent community posts

Honestly surprised there's not a workshop on the steam hub

Are the unlock counts on the chapters wrong? I have no empty spots in the gallery but it says I'm missing a fullCG in the last one

A good game thus far. I do think there should be some other armor/customization options available earlier but it is still a game in progress.

That said, you could consider the options of having pistols able to be dual wielded while larger guns are singular for some options.

That said, I did run into one game freeze bug where a ghoul in the Vault behind the Rock Claw cave caught me right as I walked at the broken freight elevator and the whole thing froze solid. Minor thing, but still.

Got up to the castle thus far. It's an enjoyable enough game but the sound is a bit much. Even at the minimum non-mute it's very loud

(1 edit)

The bug with talking to Sourcream turning into Lars still seems to be an issue, ran into it on the boardwalk

Also there doesn't seem to be a Martha house

Any plans for gamepad/controller support?

Have there not been any more public builds since last summer?

Not a bad start. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Dunno if it was this instance but I couldn't use a Mana Chunk in a battle, it registered as Cancel for the item section

Does it show up on the overworld map info as a special encounter or is it still just Goblin-Male?

If you go to tell a story but don't have the necessary status to tell them, it kinda locks you in since you can't back out without going back to the main menu and reloading the last save

I hadn't seen anything different from previous versions seeing her in the day

What is the Ghost Marriage mentioned in the notes for the 2.11 version? I haven't been able to find it or trigger it

There seems to be something in the newest public release where, after surrendering to a goblin, you get the ball slapping sounds in every cutscene for everything else until you lose to one again.

So a couple issues I ran into with the latest public version

-Going into a fight with a female goblin, even for the first time, with a fully stuffed belly ends the fight automatically with no action from her, but you still end up egged.

-The Magic Dick Cage can come off but still shows up on the picture in battle and I think still counts in battle too.

Just ran the latest version of the Windows 32 bit version. Two issues I found

-The game crashed upon trying to load a Harpy encounter

-the attack descriptions are mostly blocked off by an unknown black rectangle.